Part of a telecourse series, this film looks at the roles of various people involved in starting a new business and helps the individual assess what role is best for him/her. Randy Vandermark, Department Head, BCIT Marketing Management introduces the film: What will your new venture demand? Bob Grasley's section is titled: starting a business. Includes expert discussion from various industry experts including: Harold Humphrey, Pat Hewett, Tykron Industries, entrepreneur, Ruth Markel, Asta Fashions, entrepreneur, Hub Mockler, Agassiz Resources, entrepreneur, Don Campbell, Vice-President Chateau-Gai Wines, manager, Larry Fraser, administrator, Edward Starr, Starr Group, small business entrepreneur, Audrey Grant, Toronto Bridge Club, small business entrepreneur, Michael Volker, Volker-Craig, threshold business entrepreneur, and Edward H. Lavin, CTG. Lists sources and further sources for study and research. Video concludes with a discussion between Lloyd Rapchuk, Marketing Management BCIT and Bill Miller, BC Small Business Ministry about starting businesses, the role of the entrepreneur, and the previous segment. "Starting a Business" is produced in the BCIT Broadcast Centre. This telecourse if made possible by: The British Columbia Ministries and Education and Small Business Development.